2024 Conference Program

Ice Breaker Event

Wednesday 4th September 2024

5:00pm - 7:00pm Commercial Club – Townsend Room
7:00 - 10:00pm Rutherglen Wine Degustation – Level One Wine Bar

Speaker Program Day 1

Thursday 5th September 2024

8.30 am
Kristyn Adamczyk, Co-Chair, Organising Committee
8.35am Opening Address
John Greenfield, Consultant– State of Play of Mineral Exploration in the Tasmanides
The Big Picture

Moderator: Richard Blewett

9.00 am The giant Lachlan Orocline of eastern Australia – a radical new way of thinking about the Ordovician-Devonian tectonics and mineral systems of Eastern Australia - Ross Cayley, Geological Survey of Victoria
9.25 am Plate tectonics of the New England Orogen and its mineral deposits - Gideon Rosenbaum, University of Queensland
9.50am Importance of crustal nature and architecture to exploration: a new look at the Eastern Lachlan Orogen - Karen Connors, AngloGold Ashanti Australia Ltd
10:15am The Big Picture Q and A
10:35am Morning Tea

Chair: Kenny Bush

11.00am Targeting porphyry and epithermal gold-copper mineralisation at the Spur Project within the Cargo District - Peter Duerden, Waratah Minerals
11.25am Ravenswood Gold - Building Queensland's Biggest Gold Mine - Steve Harper, Ravenswood Gold
11.50am Myall Project: The value of persistence under cover in the East Lachlan– Steven Oxenburgh, Magmatic Resources Ltd
12:15pm Pursuit of IOCG systems in Western Tasmania – Sean Westbrook, CopperCorp Resources Inc.
12:40pm Lunch

Chair: Kaylene Camuti

1.40pm Mt Chalmers VHMS – New life for a forgotten gem -- Peter Caristo, Q Mines Ltd
2.05pm The Geological History of the Wirlong Cu-Ag Deposit, Cobar Basin, New South Wales – Sebastian Hind, Peel Mining Ltd
2.30pm Peak Gold Mine – 31 years of continuous production – transitioning for the future– Scott Munro, Aurelia Metals Ltd
2.55pm The Nymagee District: Exploring beyond Federation– Todd McGilvray, Aurelia Metals Ltd
3.20pm Afternoon Tea
Magmatic cont'd

Chair: Mark Arundell

3.45pm Exploring for porphyry-related copper-gold mineralisation in the northern Junee-Narromine Macquarie Arc, a focus on the Duck Creek Project in EL8965 – Doug Menzies, Inflection Resources
4.10pm The Evolution of the Bowdens Silver Ore Body and its exploration implications – David Biggs, Bowdens Silver Pty Ltd
4.35pm The Dittmer Project – A Cretaceous Intrusive-Related Gold-Copper System - David AIzzeddin and Juli Hugenholtz, Ballymore Resources
5.00pm TESEP: Teacher Earth Science Education Programme
5.15pm End of Day

Speaker Program Day 2

Friday 6th September 2024

The Big Picture

Chair: Melinda Deacon, Co-Chair Organising Committee

"Newmont exploration in Eastern Australia" – Philippa Sivwright Newmont Australia Ltd
9.30am Advancing exploration in the Delamerian Orogen: New mineral potential insights - Yanbo Cheng, Geoscience Australia
10.00am Geochemistry, back to basics; Pathfinder Element footprints of Eastern Australian Mineral Deposits - Scott Halley, Consulting Geochemist
10.25am Morning Tea
Magmatic cont'd

Chair: Phil Blevin

10.55am The Bauloora Project, NSW - A preserved low-sulphidation epithermal system – Tom Wall, Legacy Minerals
11.20am New insights from the Cowal gold mine – Ned Howard, Evolution Mining Ltd
11.45am Underexplored Tasmania – Northeast Tassies' Golden Corridor– Michael Fenwick, Flynn Gold Ltd
12.10pm Recent developments in the understanding of the Boda-Kaiser Au-Cu porphyry system – David Meates, Alkane Resources Ltd
12.35pm Lunch

Chair: Doug Menzies

1.30pm Hill End - A unique gold story – Roger Jackson, Vertex Minerals Ltd
1.55pm The Haunted Stream Goldfield - Victoria's Eastern Goldfields- Ian Neilson, Model Earth Pty Ltd
2.20pm Exploration around granite margins: A workflow case study from the Weethalle Gold project, Central Lachlan NSW- Richard Blewett, Weethalle Gold Pty Ltd
2.45pm Sunday Creek: High-grade Au-Sb discovery Clonbinane, Victoria–Kenneth Bush, Southern Cross Gold Ltd
3.10pm Afternoon Tea
Critical Minerals

Chair: Yamei Wang

3.35pm Exploration potential for peralkaline REE deposits in central western New South Wales-Brenainn Simpson, Geological Survey of New South Wales
4.00pm Geology and Deposit Model of the Narraburra REE Deposit - Damien Mizow, Godolphin Resources Ltd
4.25pm Critical Minerals in the Tasmanides: A Dorchap Lithium Project update – Owen Greenberger, Dart Mining
4.50pm Prize giving and wrap up
5.00pm Conference Concludes